The Future Of Web Design

The future of web design is an ever-evolving topic that will change its direction based on the advancements in the field of technology. 

You may have heard industry experts say that AI is the future, yet AI is in the present. And it is actively being used in web design and development. The point is, no one is absolutely clear about the future of web design and what it holds. 

However, at the same time, we can not ignore the impact emerging or should I say newer technologies like;  

  • NLP (natural language processing)  
  • Voice User Interface (VUI) 
  • Augmented & Virtual Reality (AR & VR) 
  • Blockchain and  
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWA) 

Will have on web design and development. There is no constant in this field, except change. So, we must be ready when the time to change comes upon us. The change can be in the way we design web apps or sites. Or the technologies we use to do that.  

That’s why you and me, all of us, need to care about the future of web design. Otherwise, we’ll be left behind before we can even comprehend the change.  

All we can do now is to predict what the future of web design will be like. And that’s what we are here to do. Here are the trends that’ll shape the future of web design. 


1- Mobile-First Designs 

The future of web design will heavily be influenced by factors such as; 

  • Shifts in user behaviors and preferences 
  • New design styles 
  • The changing SEO landscape 

Since a large portion of the web traffic comes from mobile devices, prioritizing mobile-first designs is quickly becoming the norm.  

This strategy makes sure that the websites are well suited for various screens with varying resolutions. This helps in creating layouts that are able to improve user experiences and load quicker. 

Apart from this, search engines have also started prioritizing mobile-first designs. It is due to the fact that around 60% of web traffic comes from mobile devices. This means that web design now plays a more active role in determining the search engine ranking of a website than before. 

In mobile-first design, user experiences take priority, be it a website or an application. It has now become an integral part of the design process. With designers focusing more on elements that improve load times and increase the overall user satisfaction. 

By adopting a mobile-first approach, you are not only able to provide better user experiences, but also drive more traffic to the website.  


2- Accessibility 

Accessibility is another trend that will determine the future of web design. Considering the level of business and the saturation in the market, no business wants to miss out on the opportunity to gain more traffic. 

But how can a business gain more traffic and hit a homerun on every opportunity that is presented to it? By making sure their website is accessible to everyone. You may have heard that your business’s website is your asset. And that’s true. But another thing that’s true about an asset is that it should add value.  

In the case of a website, it adds value through conversions. So, if you want your asset to add value, then you must make sure that it is accessible by anyone looking to access it. This includes users; 

  • With slow networks 
  • Using different devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops) 
  • With impairments (Cognitive, mobility, hearing, visual) 

Making sure your website is accessible will be a big deal in the future of web design. There may even be legal compliances to make sure that websites are accessible to all. 

Even if there are no such requirements, accessibility improves the user experience for every user. Which in itself is a win-win for both your business and your website visitors. Apart from this, by focusing on accessibility, you show the users that they are valued. This positively reflects your band’s values as well. Which can ultimately lead to fostering brand loyalty and possibly brand advocacy. 

Here are a few ways you can make sure your website is accessible to all. 

  • Use alt text in images. This is an alternative for the image that helps people with visual impairment to understand what the image represents. 
  • Ensure the language being used is simple and clearly understandable. 
  • Provide transcripts for any video or audio elements being used on your website. This way, the users will still be able to consume your content even if they can’t watch the video. 
  • Make sure to use headings and subheadings to properly structure the content and to make it easily digestible. 
  • Use colors with a high contrast ratio. They help make sure that the elements on the website are easily identifiable.  


3- Interactive UI 

User interfaces that enable users to interact and navigate a site more easily, this sounds like a trend that’ll be or maybe even is quite popular in the field of web design. 

Interactive UIs use a combination of design, animation, gesture, and style to offer a smooth experience to the users. This leads to the users being easily able to find what they are looking for. This means that it increases the likelihood of the user staying on the website longer. Which can then lead to said user being converted into a paying customer. 

This is not an educated guess. As a Forrester study reveals that a properly designed user interface can increase conversion rates up to 200%. Apart from this, a good user interface also directly affects how the visitors view your brand. 

Here are a few characteristics of a well-designed user interface; 

  • It has an engaging layout 
  • The layout is complemented with precise content that conveys clear information 
  • Which is enhanced by the use of visual elements like images, icons, typography, and color palettes. 

All of these characteristics work cohesively to assist the visitors in performing tasks on the website that they need to do. Which ultimately leads to retaining those visitors. 


4- VUI 

VUI, or voice user interface, is another trend in web design that helps provide exceptional user experiences. It enables users to verbally search for what they are looking for. This means that instead of having to type their queries, they can verbally ask or speak to the AI.  

VUI, or voice user interface,

This trend will affect the future of web design because; 

  • The rising demand for voice-controlled devices like Amazon Echo and Homepod. 
  • Voice search is common on almost all smart devices. Siri and Google Assistant and prime examples. 
  • VUI makes applications and websites accessible to people of all languages. 
  • It also helps people with disabilities to navigate through the web design. 

Simply putting, VUI will open up many new opportunities to create web designs that are not only accessible but also offer more personalized experiences to the users. 


5- Sustainable Designs 

As we can all guess, the number of internet users will only increase with time. So will the digital footprints that lead to higher carbon emissions. One way to tackle this issue is through sustainable web designs.  

This means using internet that; 

  • Efficient and uses minimal energy 
  • That is powered by clean, renewable energy 
  • Makes data accessible easily 

Here is what sustainable web designs constitute; 

  • Only the information y0our visitors need 
  • Minimal use of video content 
  • A hosting that uses clean energy 
  • Making sure it has a fast loading speed 

Now that you know what trends will affect the future of web design, here are some technologies that’ll play a similar role to these trends. 


Technologies Shaping The Future Of Web Design 

The following technologies are responsible for actively shaping the future of web design. 


1- Everything AI 

Every technology using artificial intelligence be it machine learning or natural language processing is actively playing a part in how the websites are designed. Ai technologies offer more personalized experiences to the users through chat bots and virtual assistants. This makes them a popular choice for websites and applications. 


2- AR & VR 

Artificial and virtual reality is paramount in offering more immersive experiences to the users. Through immersive experiences, businesses can increase their conversion rates and generate more revenue. Even the most well known businesses like IKEA and Netflix are now using these technologies to retain and attract more customers. 


3- Progressive Web Apps 

PWAs also known as progressive web apps combine the best of both worlds. These apps are like a combination of both web and mobile app experiences. PWAs can work offline, load quickly, and even offer features such as push notifications. As these continue their ascend, they’ll only become more widely used in the world of web design. 


4- Blockchain Technology 

Blockchain is a decentralized technology and has already proven to be super popular among early adopters. This technology can help improve web design through improved security features. This technology makes sure that your information remains intact thanks to its decentralized nature. 


The Future Is Now! 

Being a premier branding and marketing agency, the future never waits for us. We always make sure to remain on top of these trends and technologies to offer the best possible services to our clients. At Oregon Advertising, we proudly say our designers rock! 

If you are looking for someone to create visually appealing UI/UX designs that accurately convey your brand’s message, then Oregon Advertising is the place to be. Let our designers work their magic and help you stand out, in a good way of course.  

Contact us today!